Join Sarit Lautman, LMSW, and Joseph Nissenfeld, MD, both specialists in substance use, as we explore issues related to alcohol use in the Orthodox community. We will discuss how to identify concerning alcohol use and how to help a loved one who may be struggling. Join us in exploring this important and timely topic and its unique manifestation in our community.
Panelist: Sarit Lautman, LMSWAchieve Behavioral Health
Panelist: Joseph Nissenfeld, MDAchieve Behavioral Health
Moderator: Kira Rynhold, MS-IV New York Medical College
Join Sarit Lautman, LMSW, and Joseph Nissenfeld, MD, both specialists in substance use, as we explore issues related to alcohol use in the Orthodox community. We will discuss how to identify concerning alcohol use and how to help a loved one who may be struggling. Join us in exploring this important and timely topic and its unique manifestation in our community.
Panelist: Sarit Lautman, LMSWAchieve Behavioral Health
Panelist: Joseph Nissenfeld, MDAchieve Behavioral Health
Moderator: Kira Rynhold, MS-IV New York Medical College